Shunning the mother and father of children, and laughing and talking on Skype is mean and hurtful. It is not right. It teaches children to feel that they are better than their mother and father. This happened to my niece. She left the organization years ago, married a very nice 'worldly' guy, they have two beautiful daughters.
My sister would call, and Skype with my niece's daughter.... My niece had to staying the background, and listen. It was devastating. Also, my sister would speak to her granddaughter about "the truth" and 'demons' and 'toys' that she should get rid of, or the little girl would be bothered by demons. Thank God the Borg made Sophia & Caleb videos that convinced her she needed to get rid of those toys.... (sarcasm and irritation intended) All it took was one afternoon, "away from Mom.'"
My niece & nephew had no idea these things existed, or took place. They have now decided that they shall no longer allow themselves to be treated as "ghosts' in the same room.
Do not let your mom & dad make you feel bad by only talking to your grandchildren, put your energy into your children, help your children to be proud of their unconditional loving parents.